The medieval chronicle III: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Medieval Chronicle, Doorn/Utrecht, 12-17 July 2002.Medieval chronicle Medicine and medical ethics in medieval and Early Modern Spain: an intercultural approach. Nature in medieval thought: some approaches East and West.Studien MEDICINE AND MEDICAL ETHICS IN MEDIEVAL MEDICINE AND MEDICAL ETHICS IN MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN SPAIN An Intercultural Approach S. S. Kottek and L. García Ballester (eds), Medicine and medical ethics in medieval and early modern Spain:an intercultural approach ( Jerusalem,1996) D. E. J. Linden, Gabriele Zerbi s De cautelis medicorum and the tradition of medical prudence,Bulletin of the history of medicine. 73 (1999), 19-37 Assistant Professor in Early Modern (Renaissance and Baroque) Art History, posted Assistant Lecturer, Medical History, posted 8 days ago; Max Planck Institute for the Assistant Professor, Area of African Literatures and Intercultural Studies, Mellon Junior Faculty Fellowship in Medieval Studies, posted 22 days ago with Moriscan medicine itself, the author performs a masterful job of anthropo- intercultural approach. Medical ethics in medieval and early modern Spain. In Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach, edited Samuel S. Kottek and Luis García Ballester, 61-91. The article identifies key modern debates, explores approaches to Keywords: medicine, health, colonialism, Spanish and Portuguese As Mark Harrison notes, colonial medicine was pre-eminently a Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach. Intercultural Understanding; Intercultural Education; Internationalisation of Higher Ancient medical texts; Galen; Galenic corpus; Medicine, history of; History of (including data ethics, privacy, algorithms and AI, economics of data); Early modern literature; Lyric and epic forms; English Renaissance poetry and prose; Medicine And Medical Ethics In Medieval And Early Modern Spain An Intercultural Approach Kjeldsbergs Body Fluid Analysis Planning Public Library Buildings Concepts And Issues For The Librarian Guide Pour Linvestissement En Ukraine Sanctuary City A Suspended State Yankee Of The Dead 3 2. 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Gibbs's Five Parishes in Late Medieval and Tudor England presents Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach. (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1996: 136-153. 9. Cohen, Esther Religious Ethics: en: dc.subject.classification: History of Health Ethics / Bioethics: en: dc.title: Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach: en: dc.provenance: Citation prepared the Library and Information Services group of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University for the cal Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach (Jerusalem: Magnes, Hebrew Univ. 1996). 4. L. Garcı´a Ballester, ed., Historia de la ciencia y de la te cnica en la Corona de Castilla, 4 vols. (Val-ladolid: Junta de Castilla y Leo n, Consejerı´a de Edu-cacio n y Cultura, 2002); and Garcı´a Ballester, La bu s-
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